She - ona.
There she is. Tady je.
She is French. Je Francouzka.
She is pretty. Ona je hezká
She let him go. Nechala ho jít.
She doesn't care. Jí je to jedno.
She hates flying! Nenávidí létání!
She is blue eyed. Je modrooká.
She is in a taxi. Je v taxíku.
She was in tears. Měla oči plné slz.
She speaks German. Mluví německy.
She walked slowly. Jde pomalu.
She went shopping. Šla nakupovat.
She got a headache. Rozbolela ji hlava.
She died of cancer. Zemřela na rakovinu.
She speaks Spanish. Ona mluví španělsky.
She is a great cook. Ona výborně vaří.
She closed her eyes. Zavřela oči.
She did that for me. Udělala to kvůli mě.
She opened her eyes. Otevřela oči.
She works in London. Pracuje v Londýně.
She can learn easily. Snadno se učí.
She lives in a hotel. Bydlí v hotelu.
She sits at the desk. Sedí u stolu.
She was surprised ... Byla překvapena ...
She went back to bed. Vrátila se do postele.
She was tardy as ever. Měla zpoždění jako vždycky.
She asked him to help. Požádala ho o pomoc.
She died back in 1984. Zemřela (už) v roce 1984
She drives me to work. Veze mě do práce.
She goes to his place. Ona jde k němu.
She has got blue eyes. Má modré oči.
She lives in New York. Bydlí v New Yorku.
She means a lot to me. Ona pro mě hodně znamená.
She might fly to Rome. Může letět do Říma.
She will be here soon. Bude tady brzo.
She got out of the bed. Vylezla z postele.
She was looking my way. Dívala se směrem ke mně.
She doesn't eat apples. Ona nejí jablka.
She dresses with taste. Obléká se vkusně.
She seems to be crying. Zdá se, že pláče.
She will learn quickly. Učí se rychle.
She won't win the game. On tu hru nevyhraje.
She works at an office. Pracuje v kanceláři.
She got him to help her. Přesvědčila ho, aby jí pomohl.
She is very fond of him. Má ho velmi ráda.
She wished he would die. Přála si, aby zemřel.
Either she goes or I go. Buď půjde ona, nebo já.
She bent that metal rod. Ohnula kovovou tyč.
She got him to help her. Přesvědčila ho, aby jí pomohl.
She likes reading books. Ráda čte knihy.
She might lose her keys. Může ztratit klíče.
She ought to understand. Měla by rozumět.
She seems to understand. Zdá se, že (ona) rozumí.
She was poor but honest. Je chudá, ale čestná.
She made him clean it up. Přinutila ho, aby to uklidil.
She has never been there. Nikdy tam ještě nebyla.
She is not here just now. Právě teď tu není.
She might pay for dinner. Může zaplatit večeři.
She works 16 hours a day. Pracuje 16 hodin denně.
What kind of woman is she? Jaká je to žena?
She urged him to tell her. Naléhala na něj, aby jí to řekl.
She was longing to see it. Toužila to vidět.
In a few minutes she left. Odešla za pár minut.
She gives English lessons. Učí angličtinu.
She is an English teacher. Je učitelkou angličtiny.
She makes her own dresses. Vyrábí si své vlastní šaty.
She prefers to live alone. Raději žije sama.
She went out for a minute. Šla na chviličku ven.
She works on the computer. Pracuje u počítače.
Has she given Google a try? Dala šanci Googlu?
She made as if to stand up. Dělala, jakože chce vstát.
He is here and she is here. On je tady a ona je tady.
It was him she didn't like. To jeho neměla ráda.
She read (for) three hours. Četla tři hodiny.
She read the letter slowly. Pomalu četla dopis.
She should forget about it. Měla by na to zapomenout.
She won't win the election. Nevyhraje ve volbách.
What does she want this for? Na co to potřebuje?
She drives as far as Moscow. Jede do Moskvy.
She is in her early forties. Ona je ve svých ranných čtyřiceti.
She will drink orange juice. Bude pít pomerančový džus.
Thanks to him she succeeded. Díky němu uspěla.
I hope she likes the flowers. Doufám, že se jí květiny budou líbit.
She bought herself a present. Koupila si dárek.
She learns languages quickly. Učí se jazyky rychle.
She returned home after work. Po práci se vrátila domů.
She was a well-dressed women. Byla to dobře oblečená žena.
She was late for the meeting. Na schůzi přišla pozdě.
She will forget it. I'm sure! Ona na to zapomene. Určitě.
She was knocked down by a car. Porazilo ji auto.
She was the last to go to bed. Šla spát jako poslední.
She has a dacha near Voronezh. Ona má chatu poblíž Voroněže.
She is satisfied with herself. Je sama se sebou spokojená.
She knew it was time to leave. Věděla, že je čas odejít.
She likes walking in the rain. Má ráda procházky v dešti.
How long has she been with you? Jak dlouho je ona s tebou?
She couldn't get back to sleep. Nemohla znovu usnout.
She didn't speak to him either. Ona s ním také nemluvila., Ani ona s ním nemluvila.
She will be charged with fraud. Bude obžalována z podvodu.
She can find a new job anytime. Může si najít novou práci kdykoliv.
She didn't speak to him either. Ona s ním také nemluvila.
She doesn´t sing as well as me. Nezpívá tak dobře jako já.
She has already seen that film. Už ten film viděla.
She is like her sister in size. Je stejně velká jako její sestra.
She rides a sled down the hill. Jede z kopce na sáňkách.
She would like a cup of coffee. Ráda by si dala šálek kávy.
She did that without difficulty. Udělala to snadno.
She is drinking a gin and tonic. Pije gin s tonicem.
She wasn't playing with anybody. S nikým si nehrála.
She made him clean up the plates. Přinutila ho, aby sklidil talíře.
Is Jane from London? Yes, she is. Je Jana z Londýna? Ano, je.
She bought her brother a present. Koupila bratrovi dárek.
She has difficulty learning math. Měla problémy, když se učila matematice.
She looked in the drawer herself. Sama se podívala do zásuvky.
She will reach Moscow by morning. Přijede do Mosky k ránu.
She was so nervous that she shook. Byla tak nervózní, že se třásla.
He has his book. She has her book. On má svou knihu. Ona má svou knihu.
She dresses in the latest fashion. Obléká se podle poslední módy.
She hasn't had much fun this week. Tento víkend si moc zábavy neužila.
She hit her head against the wall. Udeřila se hlavou o zeď.
She laid her hand on his shoulder. Položila mu ruku na rameno.
She walked across the frozen lake. Šla přes zamrzlé jezero.
She went out for (to get) a paper. Šla ven pro noviny.
Can she speak French? Yes, she can. Umí francouzsky? Ano, umí.
If she loses the game she will cry. Když prohraje, tak bude brečet.
She puts health before/above money. Staví zdraví před peníze.
She threw her arms around his neck. Skočila mu kolem krku.
She didn't understand the question. Nerozuměla otázce.
She doesn't often go to the cinema. Často chodí do kina.
She is satisfied with her students. Je spokojená se svými studenty.
She stood in water up to her waist. Stála po pás ve vodě.
She is much cleverer than she looks. Je mnohem chytřejší, než vypadá.
By March she will have lost her job. Do března přijde o práci.
She missed class because of illness. Pro nemoc vynechala vyučování.
She should give him a second chance. Měla by mu dát druhou šanci.
She was afraid of waking her parents. Bála se, aby nevzbudila rodiče.
She drove to the country for a month. Jela na měsíc do venkov.
She is old enough to do what he wants. Je dost stará na to, aby si mohla dělat, co chce.
She is the same height as her farther. Je stejně vysoká jako její otec.
If she forgets, I will give her a call. Když zapomene, tak jí zavolám.
If she forgot, I would give her a call. Kdyby zapomněla, tak bych jí zavolal.
She lives about 4 kilometers from here. Ona bydlí asi 4 kilometry odsud.
She lives in a flat on the third floor. Bydlí v bytě ve třetím poschodí.
She said something that frightened him. Řekla něco, co ho polekalo.
She was married and had three children. Je vdaná a má tři děti.
Fortunately, she has decided to help us. Naštěstí se rozhodla nám pomoci.
She bought some envelopes this afternoon. Dnes odpoledne koupila nějaké obálky.
She screamed more in surprise than terror. Křičela spíš překvapením než hrůzou.
Janet never flies. She always goes by bus. Janet nikdy nelétá. Vždycky jezdí autobusem.
She tried to stop them, but it was no use. Zkusila je zastavit, ale marně.
If she knew the answer, she would tell you. Kdyby znala odpověď, řekla by ti to.
Alice had a shower before she left for work. Alice se osprchovala, než odešla do práce.
Unfortunately, she left her glasses at home. Naneštěstí si zapomněla brýle doma.
She isn't going to take a vacation this year. Letos si nevezme dovolenou.
If she catches a cold, she should see a doctor. Když se nachladí, bude muset navštívit lékaře.
She has an old dog who always slept in her bed. Měla starého psa, který vždycky spal u ní v posteli.
We'll begin the meeting as soon as she arrives. Začneme s meetingem, jakmile (ona) dorazí.
She left before I could ask for her phone number. Odešla dřív, než jsem ji mohl požádat o telefonní číslo.
She went around to many shops, looking for books. Prošla mnoho obchodů a hledala knihy.
Lena wears jeans even though she doesn't like them. Lena nosí džíny, i když se jí nelíbí.
He was cutting the paper when she came into the room. Když vstoupila do místnosti, stříhal papír.
You look exactly like your mother did when she was 18. Vypadáš stejně, jako tvoje matka, když jí bylo 18.
After trying three times, she finally managed pass her exam. Na potřetí konečně složila zkoušku.
She´s going to take that medicine whether she likes it or not! Ten lék si vezme, ať se jí to líbí nebo ne!
She wasn't happy in her current position so she looked for a new job. Nebyla spokojená se svou současnou pozicí, tak hledala novou práci.
She´s always starting something new, but she never finishes anything. Vždycky začíná něco nového, ale nikdy nic nedokončí.
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