He - on (osobní zájmeno).
He reads. On čte.
He counts. On počítá.
He writes. On píše.
He is alive. Je naživu.
He is eight. Je mu osm.
He enjoyed it. Líbilo se mu to.
He is in town. Je ve městě.
He looks nice. Vypadá dobře.
What's he like? Jaký je?
Who did he see? Koho viděl?
He lives in ... Bydlí v ...
Where's he from? Odkud je?
He passed me by. Prošel kolem mě.
He dresses well. Obléká se dobře.
He is a teacher. Je učitel(em).
He runs quickly. Běží rychle.
When was he born? Kdy se narodil?
He is hot-headed. Je to horká hlava.
He can't make it. To nemůže zvládnout.
He did not do it. On to neudělal.
He gave me a hug. Objal mě.
He learns German. On se učí německy.
He speaks slowly. Mluví pomalu.
Is he around here? Je tady někde?
What does he like? Co má rád?
He has yet to win. Na vítězství stále ještě čeká.
He set a hot pace. Nasadil ostré tempo.
He was kind to me. Byl ke mně milý.
He agreed to wait. Souhlasit s tím, že počká.
He has everything. On má všechno.
He is a foreigner. Je cizinec.
He is from Mexico. On je z Mexika.
He is to come too. Má přijít také.
He is watching TV. Dívá se na televizi.
He likes swimming. Rád plave.
He lives in Paris. Žije v Paříži.
He speaks English. Mluví anglicky.
Here he comes now. Tady ho máme.
Where does he live? Kde bydlí?
He came to see you. Přišel za tebou.
He sat opposite me. Seděl proti mně.
He broke his thumb. Zlomil si palec.
He gave me a shock. Šokoval mě.
He lives on a farm. Žije na farmě.
He married a widow. Oženil se s vdovou.
He is good at sports (on) je dobrý ve sportu.
He didn't even call. Ani nezavolal.
He is two years old. Jsou mu dva roky.
He likes travelling. Rád cestuje.
He set a new record. Vytvořil nový rekord.
If only he was here. Kdyby tu tak byl.
He doesn't eat meat. On nejí maso.
He is a good friend. Je to dobrý přítel.
He is six feet tall. Je šest stop vysoký.
He wasn't listening. On neposlouchal.
He went to his room. Odešel do svého pokoje.
He counted the money. Spočítal peníze.
He is taller than me. On je vyšší než já.
He told him to leave. Řekl mu, aby odešel.
If only he were here. Kdyby tak byl tady.
He asked me the time. Zeptal se mě, kolik je hodin.
He fell off the roof. Spadl ze střechy.
He gave a great yawn. Široce zívnul.
He has already eaten. Už je najedený.
He has caught a cold. Nachladil se.
He is going upstairs. Jde nahoru po schodech.
He is self-confident. Věří si
He might drink juice. Může pít džus.
He stopped by for me. Přijel za mnou.
I know how he did it. Vím, jak to udělal.
Whatever can he mean ? Co vlastně myslí?
He is great at tennis. Je hodně dobrý v tenise.
He likes black coffee. Má rád černou kávu.
He ordered them to go. Rozkázal jim, aby šli.
He was stung by wasps. Poštípaly ho vosy.
He wouldn't show (it). Nedal by to na sobě znát.
Then he left for work. Pak odešel do práce.
He can play the piano. Umí hrát na klavír.
He can speak Japanese. Umí japonsky.
He is eight years old. Je mu osm let.
What time will he come? V kolik hodin přijde?
Has he got any friends? Má nějaké přátele?
What is he looking for? Co hledá?
He didn't sleep a wink. Ani oka nezamhouřil.
He is too shy to shout. Je příliš plachý, než aby křičel.
He wouldn't hurt a fly. Neublížil by ani kuřeti.
He is in English class. Je v anglické třídě.
He will never find out. On na to nikdy nepřijde.
What is he trying to do? O co se to pokouší?
He came only a week ago. Přijel teprve před týdnem.
He is good at languages. Je dobrý na jazyky., Jazyky mu jdou.
He may be fifteen or so. Může mu být tak patnáct.
She wished he would die. Přála si, aby zemřel.
He doesn't get up early. Nevstává brzo.
He is a very strong man. Je to velmi silný muž.
He is bathing (himself). On se koupe.
He is coming downstairs. Jde dolu po schodech.
He knows all about them. Ví o nich všechno.
He lives in a big house. Bydlí ve velkém domě.
He shouted back at them. Zakřičel na ně zpátky.
He took it away from me. Sebral mi to.
He works as a policeman. Pracuje jako policista.
Now he was really angry. Teď byl opravdu rozlobený.
What is he interested in? O co se zajímá?
He did well as a captain. Jako kapitán se osvědčil.
He didn't drink, nor eat. Nejedl ani nepil.
He got an A on his paper. Dostal z písemky jedničku.
He is on a business trip. Je na obchodní cestě
He is twice as old as me. Je dvakrát starší než já.
He sat right opposite me. Seděl přímo naproti mně.
He would go to bed early. Chodíval spát brzy.
He came back from school. Vrátil se ze školy.
He comes to work by taxi. Přijel do práce taxíkem.
He gave the right answer. Odpověděl správně.
He has breakfast at home. Snídá doma.
He has had a lot of luck! Měl pořádné štěstí.
He read each one of them. Přečetl je všechny.
He is a fast/slow learner. Rychle/Pomalu se učí., Je velmi/ málo učenlivý.
He suffers from back pain. Trpí bolestmi zad.
He was old enough to work. Byl dost starý na to, aby mohl pracovat.
He doesn't agree with you. On s tebou nesouhlasí.
He doesn't know me at all. Vůbec mě nezná.
He is going up the stairs. Jde nahoru po schodech.
He is in his late sixties. On je ve svých pozdních šedesáti.
He is doing well at school. Ve škole se mu daří.
He is much shorter than me. On je mnohem menší než já.
He should be more tolerant. Měl by být tolerantnější.
He stood up from the table. Vstal od stolu.
He was more angry than sad. Byl spíš naštvaný než smutný.
He was shaken by her death. Její smrt jím otřásla.
He was struck by lightning. Udeřil do něj blesk., Byl zasažen bleskem.
If he comes I will ask him. Jestli přijde, zeptám se ho.
It's only fair that he won. Vyhrál zaslouženě.
He always sits opposite me. Vždycky sedí proti mě.
He can speak two languages. Mluví dvěma jazyky.
He can't have been on time! Nemůže to stihnout.
He decided to quit his job. Rozhodl se to zaměstnání opustit.
He didn't laugh at my joke. Nesmál se mému vtipu.
He is drawing her portrait. Právě kreslí její portrét.
He is here and she is here. On je tady a ona je tady.
He lives on a small island. Žije na malém ostrově.
How long has he worked here? Jak dlouho tu pracuje?
He didn't even say good bye. Ani se nerozloučil.
He recorded every last word. Nahrál každé slovo.
He was rude to her as usual. Byl k ní hrubý jako vždy.
He earned the money himself. Vydělal si ty peníze sám.
He felt her leg against his. Cítil dotyk její nohy na své.
He is in his room right now. Teď je u sebe v pokoji.
He told you to come tonight. Řekl ti, že máš přijít večer.
He was as quiet as could be. Byl co nejvíc potichu.
He was sent there for a day. Poslali ho sem na den.
He went out without his cap. Šel ven bez čepice.
Which knife does he eat with? Se kterým nožem jí?
Ask him whether he will come. Zeptej se ho, jestli přijde.
He felt around for the torch. Šátral kolem sebe po baterce.
He saved both time and money. Ušetřil čas i peníze.
He was luckier than the rest. Měl větší štěstí než ostatní.
He bought a pair of trousers. Koupil si (jedny) kalhoty.
He fought against capitalism. Bojoval proti kapitalismu.
He goes to bed late at night. Jde/chodí do postele pozdě v noci.
He is coming down the stairs. Jde dolu po schodech.
He lives somewhere near here. Bydlí někde tady blízko.
He saw himself in the mirror. Viděl se v zrcadle.
He studies at the university. Studuje na univerzitě.
Will he take the championship? Získá mistrovský titul?
He approached me and asked ... Přistoupil ke mně a zeptal se ...
He blew on his tea to cool it. Fouknul do čaje, aby ho zchladil.
He has enough money to buy it. Má dost peněz, aby to mohl koupit.
He makes more money than I do. Vydělává víc peněz než já.
He ordered him out of the car. Nařídil mu, aby vystoupil z auta.
He was replaced by his deputy. Byl nahrazen svým zástupcem.
He drove to Moscow for a week. Jel na týden do Moskvy.
He has been all but forgotten. Byl téměř zapomenut.
He spent about a week with us. Byl u nás týden.
He went for (to get) gasoline. Jel pro benzín.
He will be paid soon by Alice. Brzo mu bude zaplaceno od Alice.
He didn't care about it at all. Bylo mu to úplně lhostejné.
He works just as hard as Peter. Pracuje zrovna tak tvrdě jako Petr.
He picked us up at the airport. Vyzvedl nás na letišti.
I don´t know when he will come. Nevím, kdy přijde.
I think he will break that toy. Myslím, že tu hračku rozbije.
He became more and more furious. Zuřil stále víc.
He called her by her first name. Oslovil ji křestním jménem.
He got angry over little things. Rozčiloval se kvůli maličkostem.
He is much older compared to me. Oproti mně je daleko starší.
He is said to be a good teacher. Prý je dobrý učitel.
He is stupid and cheeky to boot. Je hloupý a navrch drzý.
He left his jacket on the train. Zapomněl si ve vlaku sako.
He pressed his back to the wall. Přitiskl se zády ke zdi.
It's been one year since he won. Je to rok, co vyhrál.
He became more and more furious. Zuřil stále víc.
He has recently found a new job. Nedávno si našel novou práci.
He rides his motorcycle to work. Jezdí do práce na motorce.
He saw his sister in the mirror. Viděl svoji sestru v zrcadle.
He was leaning against the wall. Opíral se o stěnu.
I am not sure if he will return. Nevím jistě, jestli se vrátí.
He attached big importance to it. Připisoval tomu velkou důležitost.
He is clever enough to know that. Je dost chytrý na to, aby to věděl.
He was back in less than an hour. Byl zpátky ani ne za hodinu.
He always arrives late at school. Vždycky chodí do školy pozdě.
He can't even write his own name. Neumí napsat ani své jméno.
He doesn't like playing football. Nebaví ho hrát fotbal.
He forgot to come to the meeting. Zapomněl přijít na schůzi.
He is arriving on the 3.15 train. Přijede vlakem ve 3.15.
He is learning new English words. Učí se nová anglická slova.
He visited his friends last week. Minulý týden navštívil své přátele.
He worked there (for) two months. Pracoval tam dva měsíce.
Then he did a very strange thing. Pak udělal velmi zvláštní věc.
Has he got a brother? Yes, he has. Má bratra? Ano, má.
He is three years younger than me. Je o tři roky mladší než já.
He was getting breakfast as usual. Chystal snídani jako obvykle.
He bought that painting last week. Koupil tuto malbu minulý týden.
He came to London to loo for work. Přijel do Londýna hledat práci.
He doesn't get on with his sister. Nesnese se se sestrou.
He has his book. She has her book. On má svou knihu. Ona má svou knihu.
He has lived here for seven years. Žil tady sedm let.
He knows a lot of people in Paris. Ví mnoho o lidech v Paříži.
He was getting breakfast as usual. Chystal snídani jako obvykle.
I think he is a wonderful student. Myslím, že je skvělý student.
He is swimming. He is not swimming. On plave. On neplave.
The teacher is very good, isn't he? Ten učitel je velmi dobrý, že?
Would he like to fly over a canyon? Chtěl by letět přes kaňon?
After all, I'm glad he hasn't come. Jsem nakonec rád , že nepřišel.
He couldn't have been more than 12. Nemohlo mu být víc než 12.
He decided that the tank was empty. Usoudil, že je prázdná nádrž.
He is the one man who can help you. Toto je ten člověk, který ti může pomoci.
He left the company many years ago. Odešel ze společnosti mnoho let předtím.
He looked for love on the internet. Hledá lásku na internetu.
He loves to travel about the world. Rád cestuje po světě.
He was sent to prison for stealing. Poslali ho do vězení za krádež.
In place of physics he chose music. Místo fyziky si vybral hudbu.
Does he work here? – No, he doesn't. Pracuje tady? – Nepracuje.
Why doesn't he buy the other things? Proč nenakoupí i ty ostatní věci?
He spoke neither English nor German. Nemluvil ani anglicky ani německy.
I have hidden it lest he can use it. Schoval jsem to, aby to nemohl užívat.
He has been working for three hours. Pracuje už tři hodiny.
He lives with his brother right now. Nyní bydlí u svého bratra.
He often forgets to do his homework. Často zapomíná dělat domácí úkol.
He usually has coffee for breakfast. Obvykle má k snídani kávu.
Without a doubt he will get it done. udělala to snadno.
Did he come last week? - Yes, he did. Přijel/přišel minulý týden? Ano.
Has he got any problems? Yes, he has. Má nějaké problémy? Ano, má.
He repeated it for her to understand. Zopakoval to, aby to pochopila.
He catches the train at nine o'clock. Stihne vlak v devět hodin.
He doesn't want to come this evening. Dnes večer nechce přijít.
He runs along the beach every Monday. Každé pondělí běhá na pláži.
He rushed off without saying goodbye. Odešel bez rozloučení.
He swapped his text for a dictionary. Vyměnil učebci za slovník.
He was not either English or Scottish. Nebyl to ani Angličan ani Skot.
He was not either English or Scottish. Nebyl to ani Angličan ani Skot.
She is old enough to do what he wants. Je dost stará na to, aby si mohla dělat, co chce.
He couldn't remember either man's name. Nepamatoval si jméno ani jednoho muže.
He will have to account for his action. Bude se za svůj čin muset zodpovídat.
I know even less about it than he does. Vím o tom ještě méně než on.
He couldn't remember either man's name. Nepamatoval si jméno ani jednoho muže.
He is the most important person I know. On je nejdůležitější osoba, jakou znám.
He went somewhere but didn't say where. Někam šel, neřekl kam.
I think he will buy a present for Mary. Myslím, že koupí dárek pro Marii.
He fled the country lest he be captured. Utekl ze země, aby ho nezajali.
He will telephone as soon as he arrives. Zavolá, jakmile dorazí.
He didn't even take the trouble to call. Ani se neobtěžoval zavolat mi.
He isn't half as clever as he'd thought. Není ani zdaleka tak chytrý, jak si myslel.
He gave a cough to attract my attention. Zakašlal, aby upoutal moji pozornost.
He usually begins work at eight o'clock. Obvykle začíná s prací v osm hodin.
He wrote a five followed by four zeroes. Napsal pětku následovaou čtyřmi nulami.
He travels thousands of miles every week. Každý týden procestuje tisíce mil.
He was given a one-year suspended sentence. Dostal rok podmíněně.
He came in just in time to speak with Mary. Přišel právě včas, aby promluvil s Mary.
He telephoned his friend in Rome yesterday. Včera volal svému příteli do Říma.
He was born in London on 14 December, 1965. Narodil se v Londýně 14. prosince 1965.
His hands are dirty! What has he been doing? Máš špinavé ruce! Co jsi dělal?
Despite the difficulties he finished school. Přes všechny těžkosti školu dokončil.
He continued to stand but his wife sat down. Stál dál, ale jeho žena se posadila.
He is driving to the meeting this afternoon. Jede autem na míting dnes odpoledne.
It was discovered that he had been there too. Zjistilo se, že tam byl také.
He sold his house and moved to a smaller one. Prodal svůj dům a přestěhoval se do menšího.
I saw him as soon as he walked into the room. Uviděl/a jsem ho hned, jak vešel do místnosti.
That isn't Vanya but he looks a lot like him. Není to Váňa, ale hodně se mu podobá.
He is very happy that he could make this trip. Je velmi šťastný, že mohl udělat ten výlet.
He always keeps his wallet in his back pocket. Vždycky mívá peněženku v zadní kapse.
He will have to remain in hospital for a week. Bude muset týden zůstat v nemocnici.
He usually drinks four glasses of water a day. Obvykle vypije čtyři sklenice vody za den.
He continued to stand though he was dead tired. Stál dál, ale byl hodně unavený.
He puts on his clothes before he has breakfast. Oblékl se před snídaní.
He held up the traffic to let the children pass. Zastavil dopravu, aby děti mohly přejít.
He plays better than everybody else in the team. Hraje lépe, než kdokoliv jiný v týmu.
I used to think he was clever. Now I´m not sure. Dřív jsem si myslel, že je chytrý. Teď si tím nejsem jistý.
He's tired. Has he been studying for a long time? Je unavený. Učil se dlouho?
Having been there before, he knew what to expect. Už tam předtím byl, tak věděl, co má čekat.
He is the second from the left in this photograph. Je na fotografii druhý zleva.
Although the book was boring, he read it to the end. I když ta kniha byla nudná, dočetl jsem ji do konce.
Has he got any problems? Yes, he has. No, he has not. Má nějaké problémy? Ano, má. Ne, nemá.
He was cutting the paper when she came into the room. Když vstoupila do místnosti, stříhal papír.
Not only did he steal my purse, he lied about the theft. Nejen že mi ukradl peněženku, ještě o té krádeži lhal.
Make questions about some places he went to in the past. Tvoř otázky o místech, kam v minulosti cestoval.
The more money he makes, the more useless things he buys. Čím víc vydělává, tím víc zbytečností si kupuje.
He had a pretty wife and two little ones: a boy and a girl. Měl hezkou ženu a dvě děti: chlapce a dívku.
He was reall bad-manered. I'm not going to invite him again. Choval se opravdu hrozně. Už ho nepozvu.
Although the book was boring, he nonetheless read it to the end. Kniha byla nudná, ale i tak jsem ji dočetl.
Jack forgot his friend's birthday, so he sent him a card when he finally remembered. Jack zapomněl na narozeniny přítele, tak mu poslal pohlednici, když si konečně vzpomněl.
A politician was invited to give a talk on Americanism to the pupil of the grammar school he had attended as a boy. Politik byl pozván promluvit o američanství k žákům školy, kterou navštěvoval jako chlapec.
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